augmentor nerve

augmentor nerve

English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "augmentor nerve" в других словарях:

  • Nerve — A bundle of fibers that uses electrical and chemical signals to transmit sensory and motor information from one body part to another. See nervous system. * * * A whitish cordlike structure composed of one or more bundles (fascicles) of myelinated …   Medical dictionary

  • augmentor — /ɔgˈmɛntə/ (say awg mentuh) noun 1. Zoology any nerve that increases the activity rate of an organ as a gland or muscle. 2. Zoology (in vertebrates) the nerve which increases the heartbeat rate. 3. Aerospace a device, as an afterburner, which… …  

  • augmentor — aug·men·tor (awg menґtər) 1. increasing; a term applied to nerves or nerve cells concerned in increasing the size and force of heart contractions. 2. a substance supposed to increase the action of an auxetic …   Medical dictionary

  • Fiber — The parts of plants that cannot be digested, namely complex carbohydrates. Also known as bulk or roughage. Complex carbohydrates from plants are rich in starch and fiber. Examples of plants that provide complex carbohydrates (fiber) are fresh… …   Medical dictionary

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